Archive for November 14th, 2002
Yay tacos!

Went to Nuclear Taco Night at the cowhouse last night, and I wasn’t disappointed. It was a celebration of the human spirit, really. And, of course, of really hot tacos. Nuclear Taco Night is a gathering of some folks from, the Austin LUG and who knows where else who get together for camaraderie, face time and really hot tacos. My friends; you know I like the hot stuff, you know I’m the guy who sneaks Tabasco into Mexican restaurants. Those tacos were really hot. It was almost as much fun watching other people eat them as it was to consume them myself. My eyes are still a little watery. I think the event is kind of like Burning Man, but without the debauchery, illegal drugs and big burning man.
P.S. As I write this was registered about 30 seconds ago, so I wouldn’t really expect dns resolution for a while, much less taco pictures or recipes. 🙂
P.P.S. Nugget setup postnuke on one of his boxes, so our dream of is already a reality. Yay tacos!