Archive for April, 2002
Big news

Big news: [Cadet] is switching to mutt! Well, he’s at least giving it the old college try, in an effort to dump all non-free software from his system. A laudable example for us all. Incidental to this momentous change I’ve learned a thing or two about my beloved MUA. So, you see, this kind of social responsibility helps us all. It turns out Nugget has a very nice .muttrc posted if you want to see how to use a lot of hooks.
Project for today (inspired by the aforementioned): Learn to use abook.

Mike got engaged today!

Mike got engaged today! Very nice. His lovely fiance and he are off for a couple days or I’d post his phone number so you could all give him a congratulatory call. Great guy, great girl. I expect a lifetime of happiness for these two.
I have a hero submission form almost ready for service, I know you’re all chomping at the proverbial bit to get your hero-worship on and post some really interesting people. Just a little vetting/tweaking and it’s all yours.